This Man Quit Smoking to Buy iPhone 8 Plus

Smoking is not only Bad for health, but also cost a lot of money

This is a very inspiring story from this malaysian Carlos Phang who has been successful to quit smoking and save money to buy iphone 8 plus.

He used to smoke at least 30 cigarettes in one day for 10 years. The money that he spent to buy cigarettes in 10 years cold have bought him a new car or even a house. OMG!

It`s not easy to quit smoking, it was hard at first. In the first 3 day he felt very limp at work and he could not sleep at night. But he believe that was a process to removing toxin from his body.

He shared his experience on Facebook to motivate others to quit smoking. Now, He had quit smoking for 6 months and save money RM 4875 (approximately USD$1151.53) congrats.

He had save RM 24 a day for 6 months and buy an iphone 8 plus with that money. awesome.

He said, “Okay, so for those of you who have thought about quitting but if you didn’t do anything about it, how can it be possible? I don’t mean to curse anyone but do you really want to wait until the day that the doctor tells you that if you don’t stop you are going to die?”

In the end of his post he said a few words to encourage others to quit smoking: “It is never too late to quit smoking, the most important thing is you need to have the determination to stop.”

Well Carlos, Thanks for your share. I hope you can motivate All smokers to quit. 

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